28. September – 26. April 2025

Daniel Spoerri (1930-2024) is one of the most important representatives of object art. His assemblages and collages consisting of everyday objects are the result of his passionate collecting of curious found objects. On two floors, the exhibition WIDERSPRÜCHE SIND MIR LIEB in the Falckenberg Collection at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg brings together an overview of the diverse work of the recently deceased artist, who would have turned 95 next year.

In dialog with works from the German and American Counter Culture of the Falckenberg Collection, the exhibition expands the view of the interdisciplinary artist. It is the last exhibition for which the idea was developed in consultation with Harald Falckenberg.

In contrast to abstract art and following on from the readymades and Dada of the 1960s, Daniel Spoerri created his own art genre with his so-called “trap pictures”, for which he is still known worldwide today. He fixes random, orderly or disorderly situations unchanged on their base (table, box, drawer). The horizontal is brought into the vertical; the result is declared a picture. A self-taught artist himself, Spoerri questions the principle of authorship and establishes direct references to reality.
The exhibition is organized in cooperation with Artoma Kunst- und Kulturmanagement GmbH and is curated by Goesta Diercks and Dirk Luckow in cooperation with the Deichtorhallen.